RJHS student council presents: Hollywood Red Carper School Dance.
about 1 month ago, Katherine Martinez
Hollywood Red Carpet School Dance flyer
Come join us at Strassburg School tonight for a family fun event: Eureka Math Night! There will be fun math activities for all grades and all families are welcome. Hope to see you there!
about 1 month ago, Katherine Martinez
Flyer for Eureka Math Night
Spanish: Poster para el evento: Eureka Math Night
Students with ideal behaviors and attendance will be invited to participate in Field Trip Day at Northwestern for the women's basketball game, Northwestern vs. UNLV, on December 18th. Keep up the good attendance and behavior!
about 1 month ago, Katherine Martinez
Basketball player
The highly anticipated basketball season is officially underway! Our dedicated athletes are putting in tremendous effort during practices, honing their skills and teamwork. They would greatly appreciate the support and enthusiasm of everyone in the community at their upcoming games. For your convenience, a snapshot of the game schedules is included here. You can also find the full schedules posted on the Activities page of the RJHS website. Go Raiders! Let's rally together to show our pride and spirit. Your support makes a difference for our teams!
about 2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS Boys'  Basketball Schedule 2024
RJHS Girls' Basketball Schedule 2024
On Friday, November 1st, the PPS team, along with Mr. Vetter, will host a basketball game featuring the 6th-grade girls against the 7th/8th-grade girls. Students will be invited based on their behavior, attendance, and punctuality for Quarter 2, and a list will be sent out on Thursday. During the game, we will also recognize our fall sports teams. The game will take place during 7th period.
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Rickover Raider
After-school tutoring is starting soon. Scan the QR code to register. Registration is required. / La tutoría depués de las clases empieza pronto. Escan el código para registrarse. Se requiere registro.
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
After-school tutoring is begining soon.
Empieza la  tutoría después de las clases
Today is the 2nd day of Student-led Parent-Teacher conferences. Thank you to all the parents that attended on the 1st day. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you this school year. Together we will achieve great things!
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS Parent Teacher Student Conferences Fall 2024
RJHS Parent Teacher Student Conferences  Fall 2024
RJHS Parent Teacher Student conferences Fall 2024
RJHS Parent Teacher Student conferences Fall 2024
RJHS Parent Teacher Student conferences Fall 2024
Reminder! Picture Day for 6th & 7th graders is Oct. 30th / ¡No te olvides¡ El día de fotos del grado 6o y 7o es 30 de octubre.
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Picture Day for 6th & 7th grade Oct. 30th
Thank you to Grand Boulevard Prevention Services for volunteering to mentor Rickover students.
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Rickover students being mentored by a volunteer from Grand Boulevard Prevention Services
Rickover students in a mentoring session
Volunteer from Grand Boulevard Prevention Services working with Rickover students
Don't forget! / ¡No se olvide!
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Fin del Primer Trimestre
End of Quarter 1
RJHS staff is committed! On October 10th, during the School Improvement session, RJHS staff wrote down what they are going to do to increase student achievement. At RJHS we want every student to feel supported and valued. We want every student to reach their fullest potential. We are going to work together to make this happen.
2 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS staff commitments to school improvement
RJHS staff commitment to school improvement
Saturday School: Thank you Mr. Jones for tutoring RJHS students in Math!
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Student working on math
Students working together on math problems
Students working together on math
Students working together on math
Student working out a math problem
Students working on math facts
Reminder: The October RJHS Parent Chat is today October 3rd at 5:00. It is virtual. Please go the RJHS classroom for the link.
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS Parent Chat Virtual October 3rd 5:00
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at RJHS. Thank you to Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Guevara for their work with our English Learning Learners. Muchisimas gracias.
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS EL teachers: Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Guevara
These students are off to a Perfect Start! No referrals, tardies, absences, D's or F's!!! Congratulations! Keep it up, Rickover Raiders!
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Students with a Perfect Start
Perfect Start Poster
We are proud of our staff at RJHS, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RHJS staff
RJHS celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month! Students are checking out the banner put up in the RHJS main hallway.
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
RJHS 8th graders
RHJS students
Rickover JHS celebrates the achievements, histories, traditions, diversity, and vibrant culture of Hispanic and Latino Americans during Hispanic Heritage Month.
3 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 to October 15
RJHS counselors Mrs. Reillo and Ms. Drew organized a Positive Message Post-it Event! Students had the chance to write a positive message on a post-it in their homeroom, which are displayed on the Library Hallway windows as a heart. Thank you to the counselors for organizing the event and to all the students the participated. Thanks for showing you care!
4 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Kids showed their heart with positive post-its
A student message
A student message
In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, Ms. Holton and her 6th grade students wore purple. If you need help or someone to talk to, call or text 988 to contact the Suicide Lifeline. There's help available. You are not alone. Llame o textea 988 para La línea de prevención del suicidio y crisis. La ayuda es disponible en español. No está solo.
4 months ago, Katherine Martinez
Ms. Holton and her students
Ms. Holton and her student