Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year registration process!
Returning Students:
For returning students, there is no need to make a registration appointment. Returning students can complete their registration online with the following link:
Returning Students: Registration Portal
Only new students are required to make a registration appointment. New Students will need to not only complete the "NEW" online registration but will also be required to make an appointment at our Administrative Office through our Calendly Link to complete additional paperwork.

Important Forms & Documents for New Students
The Health Immunization Form and Dental Form need to be filled out by a doctor and dentist respectively.
Returning Student Registration
Returning students can register online through Skyward. The link is as follows:
If your child attended PreK at Blossom's Early Childhood program last year and will be attending Kindergarten at Wagoner this year, their bus routes will need to be updated. They will not have the same bus route as last year. Contact the school office for more information.
Supply lists are available at the bottom of this page and on your child's school website.
Technical Support
Email or phone 708-758-1610 extension 127 or 128.
New Student Registration
New students will start the registration process by completing Skyward's New Student Enrollment. The links is as follows:
You should receive an email with your portal username and temporary password. If you've already started the process and need to continue, use the following link:
New Student Registration is a 2-Part Process - online & in-person (at the district office).
An appointment must be scheduled using our CCSD 168 Calendly. If you feel comfortable completing the online portion on your own, you can go ahead and complete the information before your appointment. Otherwise, you can complete the online portion and submit the required paperwork during your 30-minute appointment. Computers will be available during this time.
Required Documents (that can be uploaded to the online registration as an attachment)
Proof of Residency Forms (with a current Sauk Village address)
Current Physical
Parent/Guardian Photo ID
Birth Certificate
Early Registration Dates
Several dates and times will be available for Early Registration assistance - this will be held at the Community Consolidated School District 168 District Office ~ 21899 Torrence Avenue - Sauk Village, IL 60411
April 23 (9-2 pm)
April 24 (1-5 pm)
May 8 (12-4 pm)
May 14 (9-2 pm)
May 15 (1-5 pm)
May 22 (12-4 pm)
CCSD 168 All-District Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year (for all schools)
Several dates and times will be available for 2024-2025 registration - this will be held at Wagoner Elementary School (Big Gym) - 1831 215th Place - Sauk Village, IL 60411
July 30 (9-2 pm)
July 31 (2-6 pm)
August 1 (9-2 pm)
2024 - 2025 School Supplies Lists
Below are the school supplies lists for each school listed below:
Wagoner - Kindergarten-2nd Grade Supply List
Strassburg - 3rd - 5th Grade Supply List
Rickover - 6th - 8th Grade Supply List