El Distrito Escolar Consolidado Comunitario 168 organizará una feria de empleo el sábado 12 de abril de 2025. Difunda la información.

Community Consolidated Schools District 168 is hosting a Job Fair on Saturday, April 12,2025. Spread the word.

Just a friendly reminder. Have a wonderful Spring Break.
Sólo un recordatorio amistoso de que estaremos en vacaciones de primavera.

Sólo un recordatorio amistoso de que el "Chat comunitario" es el 10 de marzo de 2025.

Just a friendly reminder that the "Community Chat" is March 10,2025.

CCSD 168 desea compartir esta información.

CCSD 168 wants to share this information.

CCSD 168 wants to share this information.

CCSD 168 desea compartir esta información.

Please join us for our regular scheduled Board of Education Meeting on Monday, March 17, 2025.

¡Únase a nosotros para el café para padres del CCSD 168 el martes 11 de marzo de 2025 a las 9:00 a. m.! Este evento está organizado por el Dr. Leak, Superintendente de Escuelas, en nuestra Oficina del Distrito: 21899 Torrence Avenue, Sauk Village, IL.

Please join us for the CCSD 168 Parent Coffee on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 9:00 am! This event is hosted by Dr. Leak-Superintendent of Schools at our District Office - 21899 Torrence Avenue, Sauk Village, IL

Recordatorio amistoso: El Día de Casmir Pulaski se celebrará el 3 de marzo de 2025.

Just a friendly reminder that we are celebrating Casmir Pulaski Day on March 03,2025. There will be no school on this day.

CCSD 168 Family,
Join me in congratulating our CCSD 168 Those Who Excels Awardees!!
Our Wellness Team, Mr. Bintz and Mrs. Monko are part of the 2025 Honorees!! Congratulations! #d168excels!

Community Consolidated Schools District 168 would like to cordially invite you to our annual Black History Celebration. The celebration will take place Thursday February 27, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. at Rickover Junior High School. Dinner will be served following the show.

February 12, 2025 No after school activities

ISBE Non-Regulatory Guidance on Immigration Enforcement Actions

CCSD 168 Position Letter on Immigration

Due to the extremely cold temperatures today, CCSD 168 will be using a Remote Learning Day. Please stay warm!