#d168excels Thank you to Sauk Village Clerk and CCSD 168 Board Member, Marva Campbell-Pruitt, and her Committee for an amazing Inaugural Sauk Village 7th and 8th Grade Spring Fling! Job well done! Wonderful exposure for our students!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Clerk and Board Member Marva Campbell-Pruitt
#d168excels the Inaugural Sauk Village 7th and 8th Grade Spring Fling was a wonderful event! Our students looked amazing and enjoyed an evening with food and dancing!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Looking great!
Dinner menu
Students looking great!
Students looking great!
#d168excels Congratulations to our 5th grade teacher, Ms. Ransom! She is the winner of the Michelle Obama Library Grant from the Illinois Reading Council!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
Ms Ransom
#d168excels NJHS students hard at work helping out on Rickover Career Day 2019!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
NJHS students hard at work
#d168excels Rickover Career Day 2019 was a great success! Thank you to the over 50 presenters for spending the morning with our students sharing stories of success!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Career Day 2019
Presenters getting ready
#d168excels Congratulations to our Sauk Village Sticker Contest winners and Student Governance Day Participants! Wonderful luncheon to celebrate their hard work!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
2019 Participants
Celebration luncheon
#d168excels Congratulations to our own Kammi Williams for representing Strassburg in the Sauk Village Vehicle Sticker Contest!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
#d168excels Thank you to Sauk Village Clerk Marva Campbell-Pruitt for the hard work putting together the Sauk Village Student Governance Day last night!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Clerk Campbell-Pruitt and Student Clerk Robert Brown
#d168excels Proud of our students who participated in Sauk Village Student Governance Day last night! A wonderful opportunity to showcase our students and their many talents! Job well done! Thank you Sauk Village!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Student Governance Day 2019
#d168excels Samantha Swan serving as Sauk Village Student Mayor hard at work at last night’s Student Governance Day! Great job Madame Mayor!
almost 6 years ago, Donna Leak
Madame Student Mayor Samantha Swan
#d168excels Ms Vondrak’s class opens their new computers funded by Donors Choose!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
#d168excels Rickover student’s 1st breakfast in Washington D.C.
almost 6 years ago, Chantel Bullock
Breakfast 1
Breakfast 2
Wagoner is preparing for tonight’s Daddy Daughter Dance! #d168excels
almost 6 years ago, Sharon Paver-Nepote
Wagoner is getting ready for tonight’s Daddy Daughter Dance. #d168excels
Happy Pi Day!!!
almost 6 years ago, CCSD168
Happy Pi Day
#d168excels NED visits Strassburg! #growthmindsets
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
#d168excels Strassburg Student Council Sponsors Our Penny Wars!
almost 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
Penny Wars
Wagoner Math Night was exciting and fun! #d168excels
about 6 years ago, Sharon Paver-Nepote
Wagoner Math Night!
#d168excels Winners of the Staff Baby Picture Fundraiser! You really know our Strassburg Staff!!
about 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
Baby Picture Fundraiser
#d168excels “Read Across America” Week @Strassburg
about 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
Student Activity
Guest Reader
Ms Johnson’s Class
#d168excels Honoring Mr. Doss today! One of our most dedicated paraprofessionals. Thank you for your work!
about 6 years ago, Dr. Jennifer Camilleri
Mr Doss Receives the Crystal Apple Award!